
Vibration Condition Monitoring, VCM

Vibration Analysis provides a cost effective method of monitoring the condition of rotating plant and equipment. Vibration analysis provides condition monitoring information on both rotating and static equipment.

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Thermography Condition Monitoring, TCM

Thermography in the hands of trained technicians can reveal problems that the naked eye cannot see. Thermography scans for temperature distribution to interpret facts about a component's condition and find evidence of faults and deterioration.

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Dynamic Balancing, DB

Un-balance is common problem that rotating equipment encounter that can be detected by our condition monitoring services. CANCMI can also provide dynamic balancing services to return equipment to its correct state.

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Shaft Alignment, SA

Proper motor shaft alignment increases the operating life span of rotating machinery. To achieve this goal, components that are the most likely to fail must be made to operate within their acceptable design limits.

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Industrial Endoscopy Scanning, IES

Industrial Endoscopy Scanning offers a rapid scanning method for inspection for conditions such as Wear. Industrial endoscopes are professional methods that allow you to simply observe all the deep cavities of objects, partitions, ducts, cables, HVAC, pipes and machinery.

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Online Condition Monitoring, OCM

CANCMI provides online monitoring systems to give confidence 24/7. Online Condition Monitoring systems can deliver greater confidence in knowing how your assets are behaving, 24/7

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Reliability Certificate

Gain confidence your equipment is ready to run with CANCMI reliability certificate. Engine, Gearbox and Motor Acceptance testing gives you confidence that your critical equipment is ready for service.

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Marine Reliability Certificate

CANCMI provide marine reliability certificate for ship’s equipment to bring a peace of mind for users and owners. In an increasingly competitive and demanding world, choosing the right methods to provide accurate, .and reliable diagnosis of the state of your ship machines' health

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