Online Condition Monitoring, OCM
CANCMI provides online monitoring systems to give confidence 24/7. Online Condition Monitoring systems can deliver greater confidence in knowing how your assets are behaving, 24/7
CANCMI has industry leading experience in the design, installation, commissioning and use of online vibration monitoring systems. We have the capacity to design comprehensive online systems that collect data 24/7 as required, with alarming to notify immediately of any emergent issues. These systems can deliver information remotely to CANCMI analysis centers for immediate interpretation where required, giving maximum confidence that emergent faults will be correctly diagnosed and acted on. CANCMI also offers low cost systems that survey equipment for changes in vibration levels. When detected alarms indicate potential problems which can be followed up immediately by our expert staff or client staff alike Advantages of Online Systems Potential cost savings where technician mobilization costs to sites for data collection are very high, Ability to collect data 24/7 not just when technicians are present, Greater confidence that no emergent faults will be missed due to data not being recorded, Ability to capture intermittent process disturbances affecting equipment reliability, thereby allowing the ability to extend equipment life. Applications Mills, Fans, Motors, Bearings, Gearboxes, Pumps, Turbines, Marine