Reliability Based Condition Monitoring, RBCM
Reliability Based Condition Monitoring, RBCM course try to explain challenges in the global economy and cost pressure on operating mines and plants, it is imperative to apply best practices to plant reliability management.
Course Contents:
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Condition monitoring, where correctly applied forms an integral part of any reliability improvement and cost management program. CANCMI has worked with the industry over many years to optimize the returns from their condition monitoring investments and is now able to provide training in Reliability Management, Condition Monitoring Specifications and Applications, Program Optimization and Root Cause Analysis. In many situations, condition monitoring and predictive maintenance has not been applied correctly and this has resulted in unnecessary work, on-going reliability issues and difficulty in understanding plant and equipment condition. In other cases, condition monitoring has only been applied at the firefighting level without a focus on continuous improvement in plant reliability. Come and understand the principles of a Reliability Based Condition Monitoring Program based on industry best practices, as embodied in ISO 17359 – 2011 and a suite of other condition monitoring standards. These principles are complemented by real world practical experience about what works and what doesn’t work. CANCMI presenters are skilled communicators and experienced engineers providing a highly interactive and informative experience.
Manager and Engineer with enough experience in maintenance and CBM
Duration – 2 Days
Calendar & Course Fee – Please contact to CANCMI for more information